The mother: my two kids are in good health, thanks to God and to 57357 Whoever can contribute to expanding the bone marrow transplantation unit should not hesitate The night when bone marrow was taken from my12 year old son Zeyad, to be given to his 14 year old brother Helmi, was one of the … Continued
In recognition of Hospital 57357’s standing, and the leadership of its clinical pharmacy department, the Hospital is currently hosting a delegation of students of Texas University’s school of Pharmacy , to receive a training course in Hospital 57357’s clinical pharmacy department which includes more than 30 specialties and highly experienced professionals. The training program is organized by … Continued
Marriott Hotel, Zamalek pursues its support to Hospital 57357’s children with the typical symbolic donation amount of L.E.57357 it is accustomed to offer in contribution to the treatment journey of our children with cancer. A habit of offering a donation in the name of Marriott’s employees for L.E. 57357 pounds as an annual ongoing sadaka, “sadaka garya” … Continued
Mariam’s father: even if I had millions of pounds, I wouldn’t be able to find a better place than 57357 to treat my daughter My daughter Mariam is 7 years old. She was struck with illness before learning to talk. She was 2 years old when she developed a tumor the first time. A lapse … Continued
Hospital 57357 celebrated the graduation of a cohort of trainees enrolled in the international program of contagious diseases and infection control that was organized by St. Jude’s Global School, in cooperation with Hospital 57357. 57357 participation in this program is considered as worldwide recognition of its stature and potential, and that it became an accredited … Continued
On his Instagram account, the actor Hesham Magued expressed his happiness with his visit to Hospital 57357 while asserting that 57357 is a great Institution and a source of pride for Egypt. He longed for sustainability of donations so that the Hospital could maintain the quality of care it provides to a large number of … Continued
Despite my illness, I am determined to resume my schooling education, and I’ll realize all my dreams, God willing. I wish to fully recover, join the faculty of arts, psychology department, and work as a psychologist in Hospital 57357 to help children go through this ordeal peacefully and at the same time become a member … Continued
Researchers from the Proteomics and Metabolomics research team at CCHE 57357 used the advanced technology of high resolution mass spectrometry and an integrated approach of analytical and statistical methods to obtain a deep and more comprehensive insight into the biology of COVID-19 infection. Dr. Sameh Magdeldin, Head of the Proteomics and Metabolomics Research Program, sheds … Continued
Kareem is receiving bone cancer treatment and Omar is receiving lymphoma cancer treatment. Their mother: at the end of 2017, Kareem complained of pain in his leg. By then he was 7 years old. We took him to many doctors, after x-rays and tests we discovered bone cancer. Doctors advised us to go to Hospital … Continued
The father: God blessed us with free and best quality treatment, and all the people of our village are praying for Ahmed and 57357’s children My son Ahmed is what I hold most precious to my heart. Ever since his early years he was a quiet and sensible child, and everyone in Albostan village, Albeheira, … Continued